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    Musical Theme Ideas for Wedding in goa

    Wedding day is a special moment in the life of two lovers who now decide that its time that they continue their life journey, not only as lovers but now as life partners too.

    This page is dedicated to original ideas on wedding themes that all you lovely people can use while deciding on your wedding date. These are my original ideas and suggestions. You can choose some of the ideas given and couple them with a few that you have or you can go along with all my suggestions.

    One may wonder why people choose themes for birthday parties or weddings. A Wedding Theme helps to set up a standard base line for the wedding. Deco of the wedding car, the wedding hall, the wedding mementos are usually against this base line selected by the couple. Here are my suggestions for a theme wedding especially for those couples who are music lovers or musicians themselves.

    What really happens when two musicians fall in love?? Well, we can have a wedding just like the rest of the world or we can have a unique one.  Everyone knows what a treble clef looks like and what music notes are. Imagine these notes design used extensively to give that special touch.

    Let’s start out with the wedding invitation card itself. I believe in Go Green. Recycle paper invitation are always appreciated much more then the usual one. A white recycled paper shaped in the form of a treble clef with a silver border. Silver borders are very much important, the reason for the same is that recycle usually carry a dull look, to brighten it up a little, silver dust or silvery touch to the wedding invitation adds elegance. Another way of designing this wedding invitation would be the entire invite, again in recycle paper, looking like a music scroll, music notes on the border (it can be either the top and lower border of the wedding invite or a combo of the left side border with the top border) with the text of invitation in the center of the scroll. Music scrolls can be just rolled up and tied with a silver ribbon. Simple and nice!

    Moving a step ahead, before we understand what the bride's-maid and flower girlwears let's have a look what the wedding hall decoration carries. This would greatly influence the color of their dresses or gowns.

    Just imagine thermocol carved in the form of treble clef or music notes with a border of shining gold dust or a border of shining black dust. This can be accompanied with white balloons with these music notes in the same colour combo printed on them. A combination of these thermocol decoration and these special balloons will make the deco in the hall look very musical. We can even have trumpet, guitar or any musical instruments which the couple like carved out accompanying the notes. The memento could be miniature thermocol versions of these treble clefs again carved in thermocol with the small thank you notes attached kept on all the guest tables. Let's try making this even better. The light decoration at thewedding hall, everyone is bored seeing the same type of lighting style, what if the tubes are bent in the form of a treble cleft. All the dark areas of the hall carry this treble clef with white light only. The wedding hall center piece can be any instrument or even a neatly carved orchestra with a maestro in action.

    Let’s see what wedding car deco could be. If the deco chosen is white thermocol with a black silver outline, a black sleek car for the bride would look simply amazing. Imagine this wedding car with beautiful white flowers made of butter paper. This deco could be simple white flowers only or a combination of these beautiful butter paper flowers with musical notes made of thermocol. All this against a black back-ground makes this look sleek and elegant. One usually chooses a white car, but then again we are here not for the usual stuff, this article is all about something different.

    Now as far as the dresses of the flower girls and the bridesmaid go, a lighter version of cream would go well if the deco selected is the musical note of white thermocol with a golden border. If a combination of white thermocol and a black shinning border is used, their dress colour would have to match the bride's bouquet that will have to be very light colored flowers. Aquamarine, the lighter version, this colour would blend well with the deco. Peach, very light version is another colour that can be used.

     For the church deco, depending on the colour that is decided for the bridesmaid and the flower girls, this colour can be used to match with the colour of the flowers in the church. Alternate pews could have treble clef thermocol cutout and flowers fixed on it. The beauty of the treble clef is being elongated; the flowers on it would actually flow down the pews. Family flowers could again look like musical notes of two different colours depending what the family prefers. To make it look pretty cool, a small flower can be attached to it.

    Keep reading this space for more unique ideas. Cheers

    Nadia Fernandes
    Miramar - Goa

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